OK, progress on the doubleneck.
The sides are all done, and the back is now glued onto the sides.
The top has the braces glued in, after putting on the soundhole patch and cutting the rosette & soundhole. Because of the Extra bracing needed for 18 strings and the fact that the bridges aren't where an acoustic's bridge is usually, I've had to make the soundhole slightly smaller than usual. This will probably make the guitar quieter that you would expect, but if you play it through an amp using the twin piezos there will be no difference.
A problem that I'll have to face later on is that a small soundhole
means that access to the inside to attach the blend pot and the jack socket may be tricky. Maybe I'll accost a pupil in school with tiny hands!!!!!
the bracing is a lattice affair
with the bridges going into the diamond shaped holes to the left of the soundhole in the pic. I've also started shaving the bracing down to allow the top to move, but I don't want to take too much off as there is SSOOOOO much force from all those strings!!
I've also rough cut the necks, but I can't do much more on them til the body is made as I have to wait til I know exactly the curvature of the neck/body joins (as they will be curved and not straight like a normal guitar would be).